BCGOP Demands: Stop Spending Our Children’s Future
BCGOP Demands: Stop Spending Our Children’s Future
Asheville, NC - The Buncombe County GOP (BCGOP) believes in fiscal responsibility, for this reason it is calling on elected representatives to stand firm and not increase the National Debt limit. Rather, it calls on Congress to reduce spending.
Doug Brown, newly elected Chair of the BCGOP, states: “We believe it is just not right to spend money we don’t have and that wasteful spending has caused our National Debt to balloon to over 31 trillion dollars with no end in sight. It is fundamentally wrong to mortgage our children’s and grandchildren’s futures.”
Specifically the BCGOP calls on Congress to eliminate college loan forgiveness plans, to suspend unspent COVID giveaways, and to cancel the hiring of 87,000 additional IRS agents.
States Brown, “It should be our government’s goal to live within its means and finally put its fiscal house in order. Congress must commit to a plan to control spending and immediately begin paying down the National Debt now.”
The Republican Party was established July 6, 1854 at an anti-slavery convention of citizens united to abolish slavery. The Buncombe County Republican Party represents the townships: Asheville, Black Mountain, Arden, Fairview, Swannanoa, Weaverville, Woodfin, Biltmore Forest, Barnardsville, Montreat, Avery Creek, Bent Creek, Royal Pines in Western North Carolina. Doug Brown is the current chair with five board members, two vice-chairs, a secretary and a treasurer.
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