Message from our Chairman….. June 2023
Message from our Chairman…..
Dear Buncombe County Republicans & Conservative-minded Friends,
We hope you all enjoyed taking part in a Memorial Day ceremony or gathering with friends and family to be grateful for the men and women who serve(d) to protect the freedoms we enjoy.
Hot topic for this week: Schools, Curriculum, Voting for your School Board – a New Bill !!!
1) We have included a link to a video of an Asheville City School (ACS) Board Meeting that we hope you will view. The video is of pastor John Amanchukwu confronting the ASC School Board regarding the pornographic literature offered in school libraries. []
2) The GOP Research Task Force and local patriot groups are monitoring teaching materials for any inappropriate materials on Marxist-based CRT and/or pornographic books being considered/already offered in the county and city schools. Findings will be reported back to the BCGOP – which we will then share with you.
***** Our schools are to educate not to indoctrinate; we encourage you to share any information/ideas you may have on how our schools can improve. *****
3) The BCGOP is supporting NC House Bill #66 that would give Buncombe County residents a voice in electing their own district’s school board member.
- Currently, Buncombe County Board of Education (BOE) is divided into 7 districts based on school attendance zones - members must reside in the district, but all members are elected at-large by the qualified voters residing in the Buncombe County School Administrative Unit. Being a largely democratic county, conservative-leaning school districts continually get out-voted.
- If HB #66 is passed, the bill provides that 6 of 7 members of the Buncombe County BOE be elected from 6 electoral districts, with the 7th member to be elected at-large. This change would be effective with 2024 elections and would require the Buncombe County BOE to establish electoral districts prior to February 1, 2024.
Update on HB #66 from Senator Daniel’s office:
- The bill passed the Senate Rules Committee June 1, 2023, and proceeds to the Senate floor next week.
- Time sensitive request: Warren McDaniel’s is encouraging even more of our support within the next 7 -10 days by doing the following:
- Please send emails to all the other delegates. Senator Daniel is currently the only delegate that supports the bill. These additional emails will help bring the other delegates’ greater awareness of constituents’ beliefs. Remember that in some cases, smaller portions of Buncombe County fall outside of Daniel’s district. (See “Example Email” section below for guidance on what to write --- or if you prefer to make telephone calls, that information is also provided below).
- If you have not yet sent an email to Warren Daniel’s office, please do so. Refrain from sending more than one email as the emails are tracked and duplicates are disregarded.
Example mail:
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
(note: send to ONE NAME at a time; Senator or Representative titles are below)
Subject: House Bill #66
Text: Dear Senator / Representative [ NAME – one name per email ],
I fully support HB #66 that mandates that only district residents can vote for school board members that represent their district.
[Continue by choosing one or more of the bullet point options below for your second paragraph – please restate the bullet(s) in your own words as “robo” emails are also disregarded]
- Fair representation means only local district residents should be able to vote for local school board members.
- I/we want to have our values fairly represented on the school board.
- I/we chose to live in our community for a reason. We want to be represented fairly.
- I/we don’t want a majority of the outsiders determining what happens in our district’s schools.
Thank you, Resident name & school district (if applicable)
Other delegate Info: Please email these Democrat legislators too! Today!
[email protected] (Rep); District 46
[email protected] (Dem); 919-715-300; District 49
[email protected] (Dem); 919-715-2013; District 114
[email protected] (Dem); 919-733-5746; District 115
[email protected] (Dem); 919-715-3012; District 116
Thank you.
Doug Brown, Buncombe County GOP Chairman
- COME JOIN US for some fun and fellowship! The BCGOP is hosting a “Red, White and Back the Blue” picnic. On Saturday, June 17th, at Murphy/Oakley Park Pavilion (715 Fairview Rd, Asheville, NC) from 3pm to 5pm. Tickets are $15/person with portions of the proceeds going to the Asheville Police Department. For your ticket you can enjoy hot dogs & the fixins’, tea & lemonade, and Bingo. For more details, please contact Robin Hite at 828-555-0444 or [email protected].